
My name is Richard, welcome to my site. I have been in the horseshoeing business since 1984. In this business we do piece work. Unless we produce we don’t get paid. Many years ago I built this horse bender to produce my own horseshoes quickly and efficiently.

Other farriers will buy these blanks from you.

They’re better for the horses because you can place the nail holes exactly where you want the nail holes to be.
I keep sets of these horseshoe blanks on my shoeing truck in various sizes. I simply punch the nail holes into the shoes with a forepunch and finish the nail hole with a pritchel. You can also easily crease these blanks.
If you have a horse with very thin hoof walls or just the opposite a very thick wall. You can save time and produce a quantity product that strongly assists in keeping horses sound. Because you are putting the nails where they belong. Not relying on factory made shoes. I usually reset a set of these handmade blanks 2 and sometimes 3 times because I use better quality thick 3/8” steel. Simply has longer wear life.
I save between $7 and $15 on every horse I shoe. This quality horseshoe bender will pay for itself in no time and I can punch these shoes for any type or size nail I choose.

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